隆隆 |
禄谩 鲁陇 脧脳 麓脢 |
隆隆 |
陆帽 脛锚 脦脪 脙脟 虏禄 脰禄 脤陇 脠毛 脪禄 赂枚 脨脗 碌脛 脛锚 露脠拢卢 脪禄 赂枚 脨脗 碌脛 脢脌 录脥拢卢 脦脪 脙脟 禄鹿 脤陇 陆酶 脪禄 赂枚 脮赂 脨脗 碌脛 脟搂 矛没 脛锚隆拢 脭脷 脮芒 脙麓 脪禄 赂枚 禄庐 脢卤 麓煤 碌脛 脛锚 路脻拢卢 脦脪 脙脟 脫娄 赂脙 脪脭 脨脗 碌脛 脳脣 脤卢隆垄 脨脗 碌脛 脤卢 露脠隆垄 脨脗 碌脛 路陆 脢陆 脠楼 脙忙 露脭 脨脗 碌脛 脤么 脮陆隆拢 麓娄 脫脷 脮芒 赂枚 脨脗 碌脛 脳脢 脩露 驴脝 录录 脢卤 麓煤拢卢 脦脪 脙脟 脣霉 脙忙 露脭 碌脛 脤么 脮陆 脰庐 脪禄 碌卤 脠禄 脢脟 脠莽 潞脦 脌没 脫脙 脣眉 脌麓 脢鹿 脦脪 脙脟 碌脛 禄谩 脦帽 赂眉 录脫 脧碌 脥鲁 禄炉拢卢 脢鹿 脦脪 脙脟 碌脛 脕陋 脗莽 鹿陇 脳梅 脳枚 碌脙 赂眉 潞脙拢卢 脢鹿 脦脪 脙脟 脨拢 脫脩 脰庐 录盲 碌脛 戮脿 脌毛 赂眉 脨隆拢卢 脕陋 脧碌 赂眉 陆么 脙脺隆拢 鹿脜 脠脣 脣碌拢潞隆掳 脨茫 虏脜 虏禄 鲁枚 脙脜拢卢 脛脺 脰陋 脤矛 脧脗 脢脗隆卤隆拢 脭脷 脮芒 赂枚 脢卤 麓煤拢卢 脥酶 录脢 脥酶 脗莽 碌脛 脫娄 脫脙 赂眉 录脫 脫娄 脩茅 脮芒 戮盲 禄掳 脪禄 碌茫 露霉 脪虏 虏禄 驴盲 脮脜隆拢 脦脪 脙脟 戮枚 露篓 脫碌 脫脨 脳脭 录潞 碌脛 脥酶 脮戮拢卢 脢脟 脧拢 脥没 陆猫 脣眉 脌麓 脕陋 脗莽 脨拢 脫脩 脙脟拢颅 脦脼 脗脹 脢脟 禄谩 脭卤 禄鹿 脢脟 路脟 禄谩 脭卤隆拢 脦脪 脙脟 脪虏 脧拢 脥没 脥篓 鹿媒 脮芒 赂枚 脥酶 脮戮拢卢 脠脙 脨拢 脫脩 脙脟 赂眉 脟氓 鲁镁 脦脪 脙脟 碌脛 禄卯 露炉拢卢 脪脭 脝脷 麓茂 脰脕 脥脜 陆谩 脨拢 脫脩 脙脟 碌脛 脦掳 麓贸 脳脷 脰录隆拢 脳卯 潞贸拢卢 脦脪 脧拢 脥没 脨拢 脫脩 脙脟 脢卤 鲁拢 盲炉 脌脌 脦脪 脙脟 碌脛 脥酶 脮戮拢卢 虏垄 脟脪 脤谩 鹿漏 陆篓 脡猫 脨脭 脪芒 录没 脠脙 脦脪 脙脟 碌脛 脥酶 脪鲁 脛脷 脠脻 赂眉 录脫 鲁盲 脢碌隆拢 脦脪 脙脟 赂眉 脧拢 脥没 禄谩 脭卤 脙脟 脤谩 鹿漏 脪芒 录没拢卢 脕卯 脦脪 脙脟 脣霉 掳矛 碌脛 禄卯 露炉 赂眉 录脫 禄帽 碌脙 禄谩 脭卤 脙脟 碌脛 禄露 脫颅 潞脥 禄媒 录芦 路麓 脫娄隆拢 脳拢 赂梅 脦禄 脩搂 鲁陇 脙脟 潞脥 脢娄 鲁陇 脙脟 脡铆 脨脛 掳虏 驴碌拢卢 脥貌 脢脗 脠莽 脪芒拢隆 隆掳 脦谩 掳庐 脦谩 脰脫 脕茅隆卤隆拢 |
Message From the President | 隆隆 |
This year, we not only move into a new year and a new century, in fact we also move into a brand new millennium. We have to have a new attitude, a new style and a new way to face the challenges of the new era. We are now in the information technology era, therefore our greatest challenge is to make full use of the technology to systemize the management of our association, so that our work of uniting our alumni becomes more efficient, which in turn will narrow the gap separating us, and bring us together more closely. An old Chinese saying stated that "One who is learned need not leave the doors to get to know what is happening around the world". Now the statement has proved to be even more accurate in this era of information technology. We decide to have our own web site in order to bring our alumni together even closer, irrespective whether they are our members or not. We hope that this web site will enlighten our members on our projects and activities, thus achieving the objective of our association of uniting the alumni around the world. Last but not least, we hope that our members will often surf our web site, give us constructive criticism on ways to improve our web pages. We also hope that our members will make suggestions on projects and activities which will benefit as well as be accepted by our valued members. Best of luck and health to all of you. Yeoh Guan Huah President 隆隆 |